Satellite Data Market-place

Satellite data plays a crucial role in various fields, including environmental monitoring, agriculture, urban planning, disaster management, and scientific research. While commercial satellite data can be expensive, several reputable sources offer free satellite data to support academic, governmental, and public use. Here are some of the top free sources of satellite data:

ISRO Satellite Data

Bhoonidhi - ISRO's EO Data Hub
Bhuvan Geo-Platform
Meteorological & Oceanographic Data

United States Satellite Data

NASA Earth Data
NASA Earth Data
Radiant Earth Foundation
Radiant Earth Foundation
USGS Earth Explorer
United States Geological Survey
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Global Forest Watch
Global Forest Watch
NASA Firms
Nasa FIrms

European Satellite Data

Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem
Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem
ESA Earth Online
ESA Earth Online
European Data Portal
European Data Portal
JAXA G-Portal
JAXA G-Portal
Himawari-8/9 Real-Time Data
Himawari-8/9 Real-Time Data
Digital Earth Australia
LINZ New Zealand
LINZ New Zealand